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Welcome to my personal site. Here you can have a look at my work in research and teaching



I am a Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor) of Politics and International Relations at the University of Lincoln. I was born in Greece and I have lived and worked in the United States, Italy and the United Kingdom. I hold degrees in Politics, Law, and European and International Studies.  I studied at King’s College London, the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and the universities of Surrey, Thessaloniki and Athens. 


My current research agenda focuses on:

  • democratic resilience and autocratisation,

  • climate change and democratic politics,
  • behavioural complexity and the limits of expert knowledge.


I am now working on a new book with the provisional title ‘Democratic Backsliding: Capitalism, Authoritarianism and Civil Society’.​



I am currently a lecturer, module convenor, seminar teacher, tutor and dissertation advisor at undergraduate and postgraduate levels at the University of Lincoln. I previously taught classes at King's College London, the European University Institute and the London School of Economics (LSE). 


I am a scholar of democratic politics and authoritarianism. Most of my published work focuses on democracy’s performance in conditions of crisis and delegitimation, such as economic crisis, corruption and patterns of discrimination based on gender and minority status. My research stands at the intersection of political theory and comparative politics, using methods such as archival research, interviews, content analysis and co-production. 

Academic service

At the University of Lincoln, I served in several leadership roles at the School and College level. I was Deputy Head of Postgraduate Studies in 2019-2020. I am currently the Year 2 tutor. 


I am also an Associate Editor of the Journal Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. I regularly engage in journal peer review and I have given several public lectures in the UK, the United States and Greece.

Recent work experience


2018 - Present

University of Lincoln
Senior Lecturer/Lecturer 
Lincoln, UK

2016 - 2018

European University Institute
Max Weber Fellow
Florence, Italy


King's College London
Teaching Fellow and Visiting Lecturer
London, UK



2016 – Clientelism and Economic Policy: Greece and the Crisis. New York and London: Routledge


Journal articles


2024 –  Is Public Ignorance a Problem? An Epistemic Defense of Really Existing Democracies (with Nick Cowen). Political Research Quarterly, online


2023 – Government Externalities, Public Choice, online first

2023 – Introducing Public Choice in International Relations: the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice, online first

2022 – Fallacies of democratic state-building. International Studies Review, 24 (4), first published online, October 2022

2022 – Progressive constitutional deliberation: political equality, social inequalities, and democracy’s challenge of legitimation. Politics, first published online, February 2022

2022 – Macroeconomic policy as an epistemic problem (with Peter J. Boettke). Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice, 37 (2): 211-231


2021 – The political economy of autocratization: the case of Belarus. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 54 (4): 117–136 

2021 – Soft interventionism: a Hayekian alternative to libertarian paternalism (with Nick Cowen). Review of Behavioral Economics, 8 (3-4): 341-360 

2020 – Building an authoritarian regime: strategies for autocratisation and resistance in Belarus and Slovakia. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 24 (1): 113-135. 

2019 – Hayek versus Trump: the radical right’s road to serfdom (with Nick Cowen). Polity,52 (2): 159-188 

2017 – Clientelism and corruption: institutional adaptation of state capture strategies in view of resource scarcity in Greece’ (with Vasiliki Tsagkroni). British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 19 (2): 263-281 

2017 – Is government contestability an integral part of the definition of democracy?. Politics, 37 (1): 67-81 

2017 – The problem of constitutional legitimation: what the debate on electoral quotas tells us about the legitimacy of decision-making rules in constitutional choice. Constitutional Political Economy, 28 (2): 195-208 

2016 – Is age a case for electoral quotas? applying a benchmark for affirmative action in politics. Representation, 52 (2-3): 149-161 

2016 – Clientelism and economic policy: hybrid characteristics of collective action in Greece. Journal of European Public Policy, 23 (10): 1460-1480 

2015 – Clientelism and the classification of dominant party systems. Democratization, 22 (1): 113-133

2014 – Reforms and collective action in a clientelist party system: Greece during the Mitsotakis administration (1990-1993). South European Society & Politics, 19 (2): 215-243


Selected publications

Challenges of democracy and democratic innovations

I explore deficiencies, pathologies and challenges for contemporary democracies, such as persistent problems of bias and discrimination at the expense of women, minorities and marginalised groups, questions of legitimacy, constitutional reform and democracy promotion. I currently work on deliberative democratic theory and the challenge of climate change.

Selected publications

Democracy and authoritarianism

What risks contemporary democracies face?  How likely is a slide to authoritarianism? What explains democratic resilience? What can undermine the autonomy and strength of civil society? Tap on the links below to find out about my empirical and theoretical work on democracy and authoritarianism

Selected publications

Political economy and public policy, the role of experts and limits to knowledge

My work on political economy explores how key pathologies of politics affect the design and implementation of public policy, from how clientelism and party politics hijacks the decision-making process to how scientific experts and scientific models can indeed help governance rather than making policymakers overly confident regarding what they can achieve and how. 

Selected publications

Clientelism and corruption

Clientelism - the exchange of benefits between political patrons and their clients - goes far beyond vote-buying and engulfs interest groups, the civil society and the public administration. Focusing on the case of Greece, I brought new insights about forms of clientelism that are ingrained in party politics and become structural traits of the political and economic system, limiting the choices of reform-oriented administrations too and creating a political system systematically biased in favour of its insiders. Read more about 'the clientelist bias' in my book Clientelism and Economic Policy and discover how relevant this analysis is for your country too


I have been a lecturer, module convenor, seminar teacher and dissertation supervisor at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. This experience has helped me develop effective teaching skills.


I consider pedagogical development as an ongoing learning process and I regularly participate in teaching training events. Since 2022, I am a Higher Education Academy Fellow.


My teaching is driven by the idea that knowledge empowers students to become creative, reflective and informed problem-solvers.  In curriculum design, I have employed a research-led approach by integrating research findings in the reading materials and instructing students how to read and evaluate published research. I ask my students to think about how reading and doing research can help them better understand and address problems in society.

Crowd Applauding


Current and most recent teaching 

  • Challenges of European Politics (undergraduate module): module coordinator lecturer and seminar teacher (2018-2022)

  • Global Civil Society (undergraduate module): module coordinator lecturer and seminar teacher (2021-2022)

  • Thinking Politics (undergraduate module): lecturer and seminar teacher (2019-2022)

  • Global Conflicts and Contexts (undergraduate module): lecturer (2018-2022)

  • Transnational Security Studies (undergraduate module): module coordinator lecturer and seminar teacher (2019-2020)

  • Researching Politics and International Relations (undergraduate module): lecturer (2018-2020)

  • Comparing Legislatures (postgraduate module): lecturer and seminar teacher (2018-2020)

  • Thinking IR (undergraduate module); seminar teacher

  • International Relations of the Middle East (undergraduate module): module coordinator lecturer and seminar teacher (2018-2019)

  • Human Rights (undergraduate module): seminar teacher (2018-2021)


Don't hesitate to contact me. I  am keen to supervise PhD projects relevant to the topics of my research and I would like to explore opportunities for research partnerships with fellow colleagues.



Address Lincoln, UK


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